Enrollment to Employment Applied Data Analytics 2024 Class

Evaluating Enrollment to Employment Pathways in Arkansas


Coleridge Initiative


Last Updated on 23 July, 2024


This e-book contains the class notebooks for the Coleridge Initiative 2024 Arkansas Applied Data Analytics Suite of Classes Examining Enrollment to Employment Trajectories in Arkansas.

Please be aware that links pointing to other sections within a specific notebook are operational. Links directing to sections or other references outside of the notebook will not be functional.

© 2023 The Coleridge Initiative, Inc

Arkansas ADA 2024 class

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration funded a suite of Applied Data Analytics training classes delivered by the Coleridge Initiative, in partnership with the state of Arkansas and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). The training classes focused on the cross-section of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs and services linked to employment and wage outcomes. Accepted class participants learned and applied data analytic approaches to linked Arkansas SNAP, TANF, WIOA, and Unemployment Insurance (UI) employment and wage data to better understand the impacts of these programs on individuals, families, and communities.

This repository contains the class materials for the Arkansas Applied Data Analytics training program.

Data Sources Used for the Class:

  • Arkansas Office of Skills Development
  • Arkansas Department of Human Services
  • Arkansas Department of Workforce Services
  • Arkansas Department of Higher Education

Class Program

Day 1 - Overview, Project Scoping, and Privacy, Confidentiality, and Ethics

Day 2 - Dataset Introductions and Project Scoping

Day 3 - Exploratory Data Analysis

Day 4 - Record Linkage and Data Model

Day 5 - Cross-Sectional Analysis

Day 6 - Cohort Analysis

Day 7 - Measurement

Day 8 - Project Status Presentations

Day 9 - Missingness and Inference

Day 10 - Contextualizing Employment

Day 11 - Visualization

Day 12 - Communicating Results and Exporting Data