Presentation Preparation

Module 2: Notebook 6


Joshua Edelmann and Benjamin Feder

7 Introduction

Welcome to the final notebook for this course, covering presentation preparation. Presentation preparation consists of two complementary tasks: (1) developing presentation-ready tables and visuals and (2) providing the necessary information to ensure these files will be approved in the export review process. By building on applied examples from past notebooks, you will be introduced to the necessary procedures for preparing different types of final output for presentation and export review. While it is not required to do so, we highly recommend disclosure proofing your data visualizations along with the underlying tabular data at the same time, as you will see demonstrated in the following sections. You may also export the underlying tabular data from the ADRF and construct visualizations outside the ADRF. This resource is intended to be a reference guide as you start to consider preparing and finalizing your outputs for export from the ADRF.

We will prepare the following tables and visuals in this notebook (click hyperlink to skip to section):

8 Technical setup

As in previous notebooks, we will reintroduce the code required to set up our R environment to connect to the proper database and load certain packages. If you plan on running the SQL code separately, you can copy and paste the code from the SQL cells into your own .sql script in DBeaver. Instructions for creating a new .sql script are available in the Technical Setup section of the first Foundations Module notebook.

If you would like to view the material to establish your own R environment for running the code displayed in this notebook, you can expand the following “R Environment Setup” section by clicking on its heading.

Load Libraries

We will start by loading necessary packages not readily available in the base R setup.

As a reminder, every time you create a new R file, you should copy and run the following code snippet.

options(scipen = 999) # avoid scientific notation
library(lubridate) # working with dates
library(scales) # modify percentages (for heatmap)

Establish Database Connection

Now, the following set of commands will set up a connection to the Redshift database:


url <- "jdbc:redshift:iam://;loginToRp=urn:amazon:webservices:govcloud;ssl=true;AutoCreate=true;;idp_port=443;ssl_insecure=true;"

driver <- JDBC(
  classPath = "C:\\drivers\\redshift_withsdk\\redshift-jdbc42-\\redshift-jdbc42-",

con <- dbConnect(driver, url, dbusr, dbpswd)

.Renviron File

For this code to work, you need to have an .Renviron file in your user folder (i.e. U:\\John.Doe.P00002) that contains the following:


where John.Doe.P00002 is replaced with your username and xxxxxxxxxx is replaced with your password (both still in quotes!). DBUSER should now end with .T00113.

A detailed video from the Foundations Module, “Introduction to RStudio,” demonstrating how to create an .Renviron file is available on the Resources page on class website in the subsection “Quick Links.”

Saving Export Files

We will also create folders for you to save your export files. Organizing files into two separate folders (for export files and supporting documentation) will make the export process easier. First, we are going to pull your U:/ drive folder name and then create separate folders within for your export files. This code relies on a lot of string manipulation.

You can skip this code if you already have a preferred file storage method. For whatever reason, if the user_name object does not pull your user name, you can overwrite it with user_name <- "INSERT USER NAME".

# pull and check user name 
user_name <- substring(list.dirs(path = 'U:/', recursive = FALSE), 5)

# run code to create directories
# sprintf is a string manipulation function that enables us to use symbols as placeholders in R so we can interchange values in an expression
# rather than rewriting all the queries, we can use sprintf to parameterize the queries, making them much more flexible
main_dir <- (sprintf("U:\\%s\\ETA_Class_Exports\\", user_name))
figures_dir <- (sprintf("U:\\%s\\ETA_Class_Exports\\Output\\", user_name))
data_dir <- (sprintf("U:\\%s\\ETA_Class_Exports\\Data\\", user_name))

dir_list <- c(main_dir, figures_dir, data_dir)

## create directory for outputs if it doesn't already exist (won't overwrite anything)
for (dir in dir_list) {
    if (dir.exists(file.path(dir)) == T){
        print(sprintf("Output Directory %s Already Exists", dir))
    } else {
        print(sprintf("Created Output Directory %s", dir))

9 Preparing Files for Export

When exporting results, there are 3 items with which to be concerned:

  1. Export file(s): the file(s) you wish to export. They are expected to be disclosure-proofed prior to your team’s export submission.

  2. Supporting documentation: these are the supporting files that contain the underlying and non-rounded counts, data, and code used to create the files for export.

  3. Documentation memo: this is generally a .txt or .doc/.docx/.odt file that contains detailed information about each file for export and its corresponding documentation files.

More information on each of these items is available below in the following subsections.

Note: Your team lead will be submitting the official export request, but you are expected to prepare the files and documentation.

Export Files

Each team is permitted to export up to 7 files. The guidelines for each file, supplemented with explanations and examples, are listed below. You do not need to memorize this section - it may be in your best interest to refer back to it as you prepare each file for export review.

  • Each team is able to export up to 7 files (figures/tables).
    • We limit the number of files to export because reviewing export requests is a highly manual process, thus very time extensive. Along with the traditional ADRF review, it also needs to pass additional review from Arkansas, so each additional file will add more time to the review process. Also, for a 20-minute presentation, 7 files should be more than sufficient.
  • Every statistic for export must be based on at least 11 individuals.
    • Statistics that are based on 0-10 individuals must be suppressed.
  • Counts must to be rounded.
    • Counts below 1000 must be rounded to the nearest ten.
    • Counts greater than or equal to 1000 must be rounded to the nearest hundred.
      • For example, a count of 868 would be rounded to 870, and a count of 1868 would be rounded to 1900.
    • We ask for rounded counts to limit the possibility of complementary disclosure risk.
  • Reported wages must be rounded to the nearest hundred.
  • Reported averages must be rounded to the nearest tenth.
  • Percentages and proportions must be rounded.
    • The same rounding rules applied to counts must be applied to both the numerator and denominator before finding the percentage/proportion.
    • Percentages must then be rounded to the nearest percent.
    • Proportions must be rounded to the nearest hundredth.
  • Exact percentiles cannot be exported.
    • Exact percentiles cannot be exported because they may represent a true data point.
    • Instead, for example, you may calculate a “fuzzy median,” by averaging the true 45th and 55th percentiles.
      • If you are calculating fuzzy wage percentiles, you will need to round to the nearest hundred after calculating the fuzzy percentile.
      • If you are calculating fuzzy percentiles for counts of individuals, you will need to round to the nearest 10 if the count is less than 1000 and to the nearest hundred if the count is greater than or equal to 1000.
  • Exact maxima and minima cannot be exported.
    • Maxima and minima cannot be exported because they will correspond to a true data point.
    • Suppress maximum and minimum values in general.
    • You may replace an exact maximum or minimum with a top-coded value or a fuzzy maximum or minimum value.
      • For example: If the maximum value for earnings is 154,325, it could be top-coded as ‘100,000+’. Another permissible approach using this example would be calculating a fuzzy maximum value, as shown in the box plot example.
  • Complementary suppression
    • If your files include totals or your files are dependent on a preceding or subsequent file, you may need to be mindful of complementary disclosure risks - that is assessing if the file totals or the separate files, when read together, might disclose information about less than 11 individuals in the data in a way that a single, simpler file would not.
    • Team leads and export reviewers will work with you on implementing any necessary complementary suppression techniques. This is more likely to happen when exporting both totals and subtotals.

Supporting Documentation

As mentioned above, you will need to provide additional information to accompany each of the files requested for export for them to be approved by the reviewers.

Underlying counts

You will need to provide a table with underlying counts of individuals for each statistic depicted in the file(s) requested for export. It is often easiest to have a corresponding counts file for each file requested for export - we will adhere to this approach in working through the examples in the notebook.

  • You will need to include both the rounded and the unrounded counts of individuals.
  • If percentages or proportions are to be exported, you must report both the rounded and the unrounded counts of individuals for the numerator and denominator.


Please provide the code written to create every file requested for export and the code generating the corresponding underlying counts. It is important for the export reviewers to have the code to better understand what exactly was done and replicate results. Thus, it is important to document every step of the analysis in your code file(s).

Documentation Memo

The documentation memo is necessary to include in the export request, as it describes each file and potential relationships across files. An example documentation file pertaining to the outputs prepared in this notebook is available in the Notebooks subfolder in the P drive. A quick link is available here as well.

Broadly, the following information should be detailed per file:

  • The source dataset(s) used to generate the output file. If a subset is used, describe the sample restrictions.
  • Program(s) that produced the file (e.g., R, Stata, Python, etc.)
  • File name containing underlying research sample counts for this file
  • File name(s) that contain supporting statistics required with the dataset
  • File name(s) containing the code used to create this file
  • Any additional comments to help the reviewers to understand the file or its context.

10 Export 1: Tabular Output of Race and Ethnicity

Our first file we will prepare for export is a table containing a detailed breakdown of the race and ethnicity composition of our cohort created in the Longitudinal Analysis notebook. We will first load our cohort into R, and then reuse the code from the initial example to recreate the table:

qry <- "SELECT *
FROM tr_e2e.nb_cohort

cohort <- dbGetQuery(con, qry)
cohort <- con %>% 
  tbl(in_schema(schema = "tr_e2e",
                table = "nb_cohort")) %>%

# recreate table
export_1 <- cohort %>%
  group_by(eth_recode_person) %>% 
  summarise(npersons = n_distinct(person_key)) %>% 
  # ungroup so we can take the percentage with denominator as all in next step
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(total_persons = sum(npersons),
         pct = 100 * (npersons/sum(npersons)))


Steps for Export

We will adhere to the following steps in preparing this table for export:

  1. Create columns containing the total counts of unique people - this has already been done (npersons).

  2. Redact values

    • Values with individual counts below 11 must be removed.
  3. Round values

    • Counts below 1000 rounded to the nearest ten
    • Counts above or equal to 1000 rounded to the nearest hundred
    • Percentages rounded to the nearest percent


We have our data frame containing the information we wish to export. The next couple steps are done concurrently. We’ll apply the rounding rules and then the redaction rules. The resulting data frame contains all the information we need for the supporting documentation files.

Note: We are replacing all values that do not satisfy our disclosure rules with NA. The final column, pct_rounded is the last column in the data frame.

export_1_data <- export_1 %>% 
  #applying rounding rules, if counts less than 1000 then round to nearest 10, else round to nearest 100
    npersons_rounded = ifelse(npersons < 1000, round(npersons, -1), round(npersons, -2)),
    #applying redaction rules and then rounding rules for percentages
    pct_rounded = ifelse(npersons < 11, NA, round(100*npersons_rounded/sum(npersons_rounded),0))


This data frame now has all of the necessary underlying information for export review. After applying export rules, we recommend comparing the disclosure-proofed output to the original, which may also reveal complementary disclosure issues. Here, since multiple rows of pct_rounded were redacted, we do not need to worry about complementary disclosure. Let’s save this data frame as a csv in our Data folder in our U: drive.

Although this file will not be exported, it will be used by the export team to make sure the figure satisfies the export requirements.

Saving Output

For the code in this section to work, you will need a folder called “Data” to save the table using the code below, which was created at the beginning of the notebook.

# saving underlying data for supporting documentation
write_csv(export_1_data, sprintf('%s/export_1_data.csv', data_dir))

Now that we have saved the underlying counts that we need for the final table, we will now save the final table for export in our Output folder. We do this after removing the non-rounded counts and percentages, as well as any unnecessary columns.

export_1_final <- export_1_data %>%
  select(eth_recode_person, pct_rounded)

# saving table for export review
write_csv(export_1_final, sprintf('%s/export_1.csv', figures_dir))

11 Export 2: Line Graph depicting Employment Rates

The next file we would like to export is a line plot showing employment rates by quarter relative to exit for our cohort. We initially created part of this table in the Measurement notebook, finding employment rates for our cohort in their 2nd and 4th quarters after exit. We will expand upon that example to find all employment rates between five quarters pre- and post-exit, visualizing them in a line plot.

Steps for Export

We will adhere to the following steps in preparing this table for export:

  1. Create columns containing the total counts of unique people - again, already calculated

  2. Redact values

    • Values with individual counts below 11 must be removed.
  3. Round values

    • Counts below 1000 rounded to the nearest ten
    • Counts above or equal to 1000 rounded to the nearest hundred
  4. Create visual with disclosure-proofed values

    • This part is essiential! We need to make sure we are applying the appropriate values to the visual.


We will start by regenerating the underlying data frame, which connects our cohort to employment outcomes:

qry <- "
SELECT nc.*, 
    wage.year_quarter_key as wage_year_quarter_key,
    wage.year_quarter_key - nc.exit_year_quarter_key AS relative_quarter
FROM tr_e2e.nb_cohort nc 
LEFT JOIN tr_e2e.fact_person_ui_wage wage ON
    --include ui_quarterly_wages > 0 in join clause to maintain structure of left join
    (nc.person_key = wage.person_key AND wage.ui_quarterly_wages > 0 AND
        --add additional clause to limit wage record focus for within 5 quarters of exit 
        nc.exit_year_quarter_key <= wage.year_quarter_key + 5 AND nc.exit_year_quarter_key >= wage.year_quarter_key - 5
ORDER BY nc.person_key, relative_quarter

cohort_emp <- dbGetQuery(con, qry)

nc <- con %>% 
  tbl(in_schema(schema = "tr_e2e",
                table = "nb_cohort"))

wage <- con %>% 
  tbl(in_schema(schema = "tr_e2e",
                table = "fact_person_ui_wage")) %>%
  filter(ui_quarterly_wages > 0) %>%
  select(person_key, year_quarter_key, ui_quarterly_wages) %>%
  rename(wage_year_quarter_key = year_quarter_key) %>%
  # cannot join on computer variables, so need to create before join
    wage_year_quarter_key_high = wage_year_quarter_key + 5,
    wage_year_quarter_key_low = wage_year_quarter_key - 5

cohort_emp <- nc %>%
    # join_by supports inequality conditions (ex. greater than or equal to)
    join_by(person_key, exit_year_quarter_key <= wage_year_quarter_key_high, exit_year_quarter_key >= wage_year_quarter_key_low)
  ) %>%
    relative_quarter = wage_year_quarter_key - exit_year_quarter_key
  ) %>%
  select(-c(wage_year_quarter_key_low, wage_year_quarter_key_high)) %>%
  arrange(person_key, relative_quarter) %>%


Our next step is to take our data frame, cohort_emp, and structure it to fit our visual. We need to calculate the employment for all quarters relative to exit. Instead of filtering for specific relative_quarter values, as we did in the previous notebook, we will comment that code out to find employment rates for all of our quarters of interest.

# find denominator
total_cohort <- cohort_emp %>%
    n_ppl = n_distinct(person_key)
  ) %>%

export_2_data <- cohort_emp %>%
  # filter(relative_quarter %in% c(2, 4)) %>%
  group_by(relative_quarter) %>%
    n_people = n_distinct(person_key)
  ) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(total_cohort = total_cohort) %>%
  # filter(n == 2) %>%
    emp_rate = 100*n_people/total_cohort


We will now complete steps 2 and 3 as listed above in tandem.

export_2_data <- export_2_data %>% 
  #applying rounding rules, if counts less than 1000 then round to nearest 10, else round to nearest 100
  mutate(n_people_rounded = ifelse(n_people < 1000, round(n_people, -1), round(n_people, -2)),
         total_cohort_rounded = round(total_cohort, -1),
         #applying redaction rules and then rounding rules for percentages
         emp_rate_rounded = ifelse(n_people < 11, NA, round(100*n_people_rounded/(total_cohort_rounded),0))) %>%
  # filter out relative_quarter of of join


Since this data frame contains all the underlying information we need for our supporting file, we will hold onto this data frame and eventually save this as a csv to submit with our export request.

Now that we have all necessary information and prepared our underlying file, we can start to build the visual! If you would like a refresher on visualization in R, you can open the drop-down bar, “ggplot2 refresher,” below:

Recall the structure of traditional ggplot2 syntax:

  • Start with the ggplot() statement.
  • Then, supply a dataset and aesthetic mapping with x pertaining to the variable on the x-axis, and so on, for example: ggplot(dataset, aes(x = ..., y = ...).
  • From there, provide a geometry type for your plot, represented by geom_*, to convey the desired type of visualization. For example, geom_line() will plot a line, geom_point() will plot points (think scatterplot).
  • Finally, add additional layers if necessary using +, which we will use to add other customization to the plot, including adding labels and titles.
  • If you like using the other tidyverse packages like dplyr, you can connect your data processing and summary workflow directly to ggplot() using the pipe operator %>% .
  • Use the ggsave() function directly after your ggplot() workflow to save the image to your project folder. For example, a complete workflow demonstrated on the publicly available mtcars dataset could resemble:
mtcars %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = cyl, y = mpg, color = factor(cyl), group = cyl)) + 
ggsave(filename = "P:/my-project/my-team-folder/myplot.png", dpi = "print")

We will start with a basic line plot, visualizing relative_quarter on the x-axis and emp_rate_rounded on the y-axis.

export_2_visual <- export_2_data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = relative_quarter, y = emp_rate_rounded)) +


We have created our initial line graph, but it can be improved. Specifically, we can adjust the axes, add labels, adjust the line width, and select a different background theme.

export_2_visual <- export_2_visual +
  # adjust x axis
    # add axis label
    name = 'Quarters Relative to Exit',
    # adjust ticks to include each quarter pre- and post-exit in the data frame
    breaks=seq(-5, 5, 1)
  ) + 
  # adjust y axis range to start at 0
  ylim(0, 60) +
      # Add a title that conveys the main takeaway of the graph
      title = "Employment Rate Declines After the First Quarter Post Exit", 
      # cite the source of your data
      caption = 'Source: Arkansas TANF and UI Wage Data',
      y = 'Rounded Employment Rate'
    ) +  
  geom_line(size = 1.1) +


If we wanted to highlight specific values on the line, we can do so using geom_text(). Let’s say we wanted to highlight the employment rate at the quarter of TANF exit.

Note: We could have taken a different approach to this visual, instead treating the y-axis as employment rate by quarter relative to it at exit.

label_q0 <- export_2_data %>%
  filter(relative_quarter == 0) %>%

export_2_visual <- export_2_visual +
    x= 0, 
    # adjust to not overlap with line
    y = label_q0 + 2,
    # add context to label
    label =  paste0('At exit: ', label_q0, '%', sep = ''),
    check_overlap = TRUE


Saving Output

We can then save this file in our working directory.

# saving visual for export review
       filename = sprintf('%s/export_2_line_plot.png', figures_dir),
       dpi = "print",
       width = 7, height = 5)

# saving underlying data for supporting documentation
write_csv(export_2_data, sprintf('%s/export_2_data.csv', data_dir))

12 Export 3: Box Plot Showing Median Earnings After Exit

Our third example export is a box plot showing median earnings after exit for our cohort, which is inspired by a table initially created in the Measurement notebook.

Steps for Export

This export file is a bit different than the others. While we still have to show the underlying counts and round certain values, we also have to calculate the fuzzy min, max, and other percentiles in a box plot. As mentioned earlier in this notebook, we cannot export a true percentiles because it could represent a single data point. Instead, we will manually recreate the box plot using fuzzy input values based on the underlying data. In total, we will adhere to the following steps in preparing this table for export:

  1. Create columns containing the total counts of unique people contributing to the distribution

  2. Recalculate our input values for the fuzzy box plot

  3. Redact values

    • Values with individual counts below 11 must be removed.
  4. Round values

    • Counts below 1000 rounded to the nearest ten
    • Counts above or equal to 1000 rounded to the nearest hundred
  5. Calculate fuzzy input values for the box plot

    • We can do this by averaging the 45th and 55th percentiles
  6. Create visual with disclosure proofed values

    • This part is essiential! We need to make sure we are applying the appropriate values to the visual.

We already have read in the base data frame we need to create this visual, cohort_emp in the Export 2 Section. This plot will display earnings distributions for our cohort in their second and fourth quarters after exit.


For reference, let’s create the initial true box plot:

cohort_emp %>%
    ui_quarterly_wages = as.numeric(ui_quarterly_wages),
    # set quarter to factor so it is not treated as a numeric value
    relative_quarter = as.factor(relative_quarter)
  ) %>%
  filter(relative_quarter %in% c(2,4)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=relative_quarter, y=ui_quarterly_wages)) +

Now that we have an idea of what we want our visual to look like, we need to start preparing it for export. Keep in mind our final product will not look exactly like this. We will first calculate the fuzzy input values and then apply the rounding and redaction rules. Also, since the outliers, as represented by dots in each plot, reference individual values, we will not be able to include them in the disclosure-proofed version of the file. We define fuzzy percentiles as averages of the true percentiles five points away. For example, a fuzzy median (50th percentile) will be calculated by averaging the true 45th and 55th percentiles. The maximum and minimum values will be “fuzzified” using a similar approach, instead taking the average of the endpoint value and the percentile five points away.

As we create the adjusted input values for the box plot, we will also calculate the number of individuals contributing to each distribution, saving the counts in n_ppl.

# steps 1 and 2 for export preparation
export_3_data <- cohort_emp %>%
    ui_quarterly_wages = as.numeric(ui_quarterly_wages), #transform wages to numeric to fit in our plot
    relative_quarter = as.factor(relative_quarter) #make the quarter a factor so R treats it as a categorical variable
  ) %>% 
  # calculate values per quarter, our grouping variable 
  group_by(relative_quarter) %>%
  # ignore na wages here so we don't need to add an argument for each calculation below
    relative_quarter %in% c(2, 4)
  ) %>%
    n_ppl = n_distinct(social_security_number),
    fuzzy_25 = (quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .20) + quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .30))/2,
    true_25 = (quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .25)),
    fuzzy_50 = (quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .45) + quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .55))/2,
    true_50 = (quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .50)),
    fuzzy_75 = (quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .70) + quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .80))/2,
    true_75 = (quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .75)),
    fuzzy_min = (quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, 0) + quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .05))/2,
    true_min = quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, 0),
    fuzzy_max = (quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, .95) + quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, 1))/2,
    true_max = quantile(ui_quarterly_wages, 1)


Our next step is to round the fuzzy input values and apply redaction rules if necessary. Before doing so, though, we recommend comparing the fuzzy and true values to make sure that the “fuzzied” box plot representation is not distorted too much relative to the true underlying distribution.

export_3_data <- export_3_data %>%
    fuzzy_min_rounded = ifelse(n_ppl < 11, NA, round(fuzzy_min, -2)),
    fuzzy_25_rounded = ifelse(n_ppl < 11, NA, round(fuzzy_25, -2)),
    fuzzy_50_rounded = ifelse(n_ppl < 11, NA, round(fuzzy_50, -2)),
    fuzzy_75_rounded = ifelse(n_ppl < 11, NA, round(fuzzy_75, -2)),
    fuzzy_max_rounded = ifelse(n_ppl < 11, NA, round(fuzzy_max, -2))


We have everything we need to create our visual and create our supporting documentation file. Our next step is to create the visual using the rounded values. We will also add labels, denote the fuzzy median values (this time using annotate() instead of geom_text(), and adjust the theme.

# 2nd quarter median
q2_med <- export_3_data %>% 
  filter(relative_quarter == 2) %>% 

# 2nd quarter factor
q2_factor <- export_3_data %>% 
  filter(relative_quarter == 2) %>% 

# 4th quarter median
q4_med <- export_3_data %>% 
  filter(relative_quarter == 4) %>% 

# 4th quarter factor
q4_factor <- export_3_data %>% 
  filter(relative_quarter == 4) %>% 

export_3_visual <- export_3_data %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=relative_quarter, ymin=fuzzy_min_rounded, lower = fuzzy_25_rounded, middle = fuzzy_50_rounded, upper = fuzzy_75_rounded, ymax = fuzzy_max_rounded)) +
  geom_boxplot(stat = 'identity', width = 0.8) + 
     x = q2_factor,
    # adjust text height
     y = q2_med + 400,
     label = q2_med
  ) +
     x = q4_factor,
    # adjust text height
     y = q4_med + 400,
     label = q4_med
  ) + 
    title = 'Exiters 4 Quarters after Exit Tend to Have Slightly Higher Wages than at \n2 Quarters After Exit',
    x='Quarter After TANF Exit',
    y = 'Earnings',
    caption = 'Source: Arkansas TANF and UI Wage Data'
  ) +


Saving Output

# save the figure for export review
       filename = sprintf('%s/export_3_box_plot.png', figures_dir),
       dpi = "print",
       width = 7, height = 5)

# save the underlying counts for supporting documentation
write_csv(export_3_data, sprintf('%s/export_3_data.csv', data_dir))

13 Export 4: Heat Map Showing Employment Patterns by Quarter

Our fourth and final example is of a heat map showing employment patterns by quarter relative to exit for our cohort. This example is inspired by one from the Measurement notebook, and will build on it to evaluate employment patterns, rather than employment at specific points in time, for each individual.

Steps for Export

We’ll follow a similar set of steps as we did in working through the previous examples in this notebook.

  1. Create columns containing the total counts of unique people

  2. Redact values

    • Values with individual counts below 11 must be removed.
  3. Round values

    • Counts below 1000 rounded to the nearest ten
    • Counts above or equal to 1000 rounded to the nearest hundred
  4. Create visual with disclosure proofed values

    • This part is essiential! We need to make sure we are applying the appropriate values to the visual.


We already have read in the base data frame we need to create this visual, cohort_emp, in the Export 2 section. As a reminder, cohort_emp is the linked version of our original cohort to employment outcomes and contains all records from the UI wage records for our cohort within a specific time range, with one record per person/quarter, where that information exists. Like that second export example, this plot will build on the example from the Measurement notebook to include information from five quarters prior to TANF exit all the way to five quarters after exit, instead of just focusing on quarters 2 and 4 after exit.

Let’s first confirm the possible values for the relative_quarter variable. Any NA value means they were not in the wage records at all during this time frame.

cohort_emp %>% 
  distinct(relative_quarter) %>%

For these individuals who did not match to our cohort, we will set the relative_quarter to 1, so that we will eventually be able to have one observation for each individual/quarter combination. There are other variables in cohort_emp we will use to differentiate between employed and not employed records.

cohort_emp <- cohort_emp %>%
  # set NA relative_quarters to 1
    relative_quarter = ifelse(, 1, relative_quarter)

# confirm potential values of relative_quarter
cohort_emp %>% 
  distinct(relative_quarter) %>%

Now that we have all individuals, as well as instances of all desired relative_quarter values, we can leverage the tidyverse’s complete() function, which will add additional rows for any person/quarter combinations that do not currently exist. These additional rows will correspond to not employed as per our eventual patterns.

# complete file
# set ui_quarter_wages to NA to identify employment records
completed <- cohort_emp %>% 
  complete(social_security_number, relative_quarter, fill=list(ui_quarterly_wages=NA))

# see that n should be a multiple of n_dist
completed %>%
    n = n(),
    n_inds = n_distinct(social_security_number),
    # should have 11 rows per person
    test = n_inds*11 == n

Now that we have created completed, we just need to aggregate and manipulate the data frame so that each column is a quarter and each observation is an individual, with the corresponding columns indicating whether the individual was employed in the given quarter. To start, let’s create a variable wage_ind, which will be “yes” if the individual had greater than 0 earnings in the quarter, and “no” otherwise. Additionally, for each column included in the manipulation, we will change the quarter_number value from 1, 2, 3, 4 to Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and so on and refer to this new variable as quarter.

# create wage_ind and quarter variables
patterns <- completed %>%
    wage_ind = ifelse(ui_quarterly_wages <= 0 |, "no", "yes"),
    quarter = paste("Q", relative_quarter, sep="")
  ) %>%
  select(social_security_number, relative_quarter, ui_quarterly_wages, wage_ind, quarter)


Now, we need to pivot the data frame so that each column is a value of quarter, with wage_ind values for the social_security_number values. To do so, we will use pivot_wider(), which allows us to take a tidy data frame (one observation per row) and “widen” it so that each column becomes values from what was previously a single column (quarter) and the rows are occupied by those from a corresponding column (wage_ind).

# find most common employment patterns
patterns_wide <- patterns %>%
  select(social_security_number, quarter, wage_ind) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = quarter, values_from = wage_ind) %>%
  # after pivot can summarize by each quarter column to find amount of people per row
  group_by(`Q-5`, `Q-4`, `Q-3`, `Q-2`, `Q-1`, Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5) %>%
    ind_cnt = n_distinct(social_security_number)
  ) %>%
  arrange(desc(ind_cnt)) %>%


Before we can visualize this information, we need to apply the appropriate rounding and suppression rules.

export_4_data <- patterns_wide %>%
    n_ind_cnt_rounded = ifelse(ind_cnt > 999, round(ind_cnt, digits = -2), round(ind_cnt, digits = -1)),
    n_total = sum(ind_cnt),
    n_total_rounded = ifelse(n_total > 999, round(n_total, digits = -2), round(n_total, digits = -1)),
    prop_rounded = ifelse(ind_cnt < 11, NA, round(n_ind_cnt_rounded/n_total_rounded, digits = 2)), 
    percent_rounded = percent(prop_rounded)
  ) %>%


We are going to convert the data back into a long format using the pivot_longer() before we can use the data as an input to geom_tile(), the function for creating heatmaps in ggplot2. Before doing so, let’s save a vector of the rounded counts and percentages for each pattern for future reference in the visualization.

counts_percent_rounded <- export_4_data %>%
    counts_pcts = paste(export_4_data$n_ind_cnt_rounded, "(", export_4_data$percent_rounded,")")
  ) %>%

# create data frame so that each row corresponds to a pattern/quarter/employment status observation
# seq_along() will create a vector to track each pattern
export_4_data_long <- export_4_data %>%
    Pattern = seq_along(1:nrow(export_4_data))
  ) %>%
  select(starts_with("Q"), Pattern) %>% 
  pivot_longer(names_to = 'Quarter', values_to = 'Employed', -Pattern) 


Now we are ready to create the visualization using the geom_tile() layer, and will add in all updates at once. Since we plan to use different color gradients, we call in scale_fill_brewer() to find a colorblind-friendly palette for visualization.

# Full code for the plot

levels = ordered(1:11)  # specify in which order to add the rows from our wide table (called "patterns") 

export_4_data_long$Quarter <- factor(export_4_data_long$Quarter, levels=c("Q-5", "Q-4", "Q-3", "Q-2", "Q-1", "Q0", "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5")) # we want to preserve the same ordering of rows as they are sorted in the visual from first to last

export_4_visual <-export_4_data_long %>%
  # sort y-axis according to levels specified above
  ggplot(aes(x = Quarter, y = ordered(Pattern, levels=rev(levels)))) +
  # fill the table with value from Employed column, create black contouring
  geom_tile(aes(fill = Employed), colour = 'black') +       
   # specify a colorblind-friendly palette
  scale_fill_brewer("Employed", palette = "Paired") +     
  # include x-axis labels on top of the plot
  scale_x_discrete(position = 'top') +                                                           
    # Label Y axis
    y = "Counts (Percentages)",
    # Label X axis
    x = "Quarter Relative to TANF Exit" ,
    # Add a title that reflects the main takeaway of the figure
    title = "The most common employment pattern of employment around TANF exit is \nnever employed",
    # Cite the source of your data
    caption = "Source: Arkansas TANF and UI Wage Records"
  ) +
  # rename the y-axis ticks to correspond to the counts from the table
  scale_y_discrete(labels=rev(counts_percent_rounded)) +
  # update theme


This is a great example of the limitations of small n sizes. Because the other patterns had counts less than 11, this visual can only display 2 patterns. When you are developing your visuals, the results you wish to show are limited by the disclosure rules.

Saving Output

# save the figure for export review
       filename = sprintf('%s/export_4_heat_map.png', figures_dir),
       dpi = "print",
       width = 7, height = 5)

# save the underlying counts for supporting documentation
write_csv(export_4_data, sprintf('%s/export_4_data.csv', data_dir))

14 Disclosure Rules Compliance Check

Before we submit our files for export, let’s verify that the redaction and rounding rules were applied appropriately. This is one last check to make sure we didn’t overlook anything. To do this we are going to perform a unit test. A unit test is like a quality check for a small piece of code. Imagine you’re baking a cake. Before putting the cake in the oven, you might taste a tiny bit of the batter to make sure it’s sweet enough. That tiny taste is like a unit test. It checks if that small part of the cake (or program) is working correctly. Unit testing is primary used in software development but we can apply this logic to our export rules.

The first step is to define a set of functions to check if columns don’t contain values less than 11, that our rounding rules were applied correctly and that the redaction rules were applied. We’ll also load our unit test library testthat. You may need to run install.packages('testthat') first.


# function for checking column values less than 11
check_column_values_less_than_11 <- function(column) {
  all_values_valid <- all(column >= 11)
  if (all_values_valid) {
  } else {
    invalid_values <- column[column < 11]
    stop(sprintf("Column contains values less than 11: %s", paste(invalid_values, collapse = ", ")))

# function for checking rounding of counts
check_rounding_of_counts <- function(unrounded_values, rounded_values) {
  calculated_rounded_values <- ifelse(unrounded_values < 1000, round(unrounded_values, -1), round(unrounded_values, -2))
  return(all(calculated_rounded_values == rounded_values))

# function for checking rounding of percentages
check_rounding_of_percents <- function(unrounded_num_values, unrounded_den_values, rounded_values, percent = 100, digits = 0) {
  calculated_rounded_values <- round((unrounded_num_values/unrounded_den_values) * percent, digits)
  return(all(calculated_rounded_values == rounded_values))

# function for checking that the redaction rules are applied
check_redaction_rules_applied <- function(counts, expected_stats) {
  result <- ifelse(counts < 11, NA, expected_stats)

# function for checking the rounding of wages
check_rounding_of_wages <- function(column) {
  all_rounded <- all(floor(column) == column)

We have defined the functions needed to apply the unit tests. Now we’ll start testing our export files.

Unit Testing Export File 1

The first export file contains the tabular output of race and ethnicity for our cohort. We want to make sure that we’ve applied the redaction rules correctly.

# Define a unit test
test_that("Replace counts less than 11 with NA", {
  counts <- export_1_data$npersons
  # Expected result, we except to see rounded percentages with redaction applied
  expected_stats <- export_1_final$pct_rounded
  # Apply the function
  actual_result <- check_redaction_rules_applied(counts, expected_stats)
  # Assert that the result matches the expected result
  expect_equal(actual_result, expected_stats)

Our first test passed! We confirmed that there aren’t any counts below 11 and that the rounding rules were applied. This is the only test we need to perform on this file.

Unit Testing Export File 2

Our second export file is a line graph depicting employment rates. There are a few things we want to check. First we’ll check that the redaction rules were applied. Since we are visualizing the employment rates we’ll check that the appropriate redaction rules are applied.

test_that("Replace counts less than 11 with NA", {
  counts <- export_2_data$n_people
  # Expected result, we except to see rounded emp rates with redaction applied
  expected_stats <- export_2_data$n_people
  # Apply the function
  actual_result <- check_redaction_rules_applied(export_2_data$n_people, export_2_data$n_people)
  # Assert that the result matches the expected result
  expect_equal(actual_result, expected_stats)

This test passed so the redaction rules are applied correctly. Remember, unique counts less than 11 have to be redacted! Now we’ll test that the rounding rules are applied.

#checking that the column n_people is rounded
test_that("Rounding rules are applied", {
  expect_true(check_rounding_of_counts(export_2_data$n_people, export_2_data

#checking that the column total_cohort is rounded
test_that("Rounding rules are applied for counts", {
  expect_true(check_rounding_of_counts(export_2_data$total_cohort, export_2_data

#checking that the column emp_rate_rounded is rounded
test_that("Rounding rules are applied for percentages", {
  expect_true(check_rounding_of_percents(export_2_data$n_people_rounded, export_2_data$total_cohort_rounded, export_2_data$emp_rate_rounded))

All 3 tests passed.

Unit Testing Export File 3

Our third export file is a box plot showing median earnings after exit. Our first check will be ensuring that the counts are greater than 11. Since we are using multiple columns in our visual we’ll check the column n_ppl to ensure the counts are 11 or greater. Alternatively we can use the other unit test than checks if the redaction rules are applied. For the expected stats we can choose one of the fuzzy percentile columns. Both options are below.

# Define a test case, this test will fail
test_that("Columns values are not less than 11", {

test_that("Replace counts less than 11 with NA", {
  counts <- export_3_data$n_ppl
  # Expected result, we except to see rounded emp rates with redaction applied
  expected_stats <- export_3_data$fuzzy_25_rounded
  # Apply the function
  actual_result <- check_redaction_rules_applied(counts, expected_stats)
  # Assert that the result matches the expected result
  expect_equal(actual_result, expected_stats)

Both of these tests passed!

Now we’ll check if the fuzzy percentiles have been rounded. The tests if the values in the _rounded columns are rounded to the nearest 100.

test_that("Wages are rounded to the nearest 100", {
  # Filter columns with "_rounded" in their name
  rounded_columns <- export_3_data %>%
  # Check rounding to nearest 100 for each rounded column
  expect_true(all(sapply(rounded_columns, check_rounding_of_wages)))

Unit Testing Export File 4

Our fourth export file is a heat map showing employment patterns by quarter. As before our first check will be ensuring that the counts are greater than 11. Since we are using multiple columns in our visual we’ll check the column n_ppl to ensure the counts are 11 or greater.

test_that("Columns values are not less than 11", {

This test passed. Now we’ll check that the rounding rules are applied.

test_that("Rounding rules are applied", {
  expect_true(check_rounding_of_counts(export_4_data$ind_cnt, export_4_data

#checking that the column n_total is rounded
test_that("Rounding rules are applied for counts", {
  expect_true(check_rounding_of_counts(export_4_data$n_total, export_4_data

#checking that the percent column is rounded
test_that("Rounding rules are applied for percentages", {
  expect_true(check_rounding_of_percents(export_4_data$n_ind_cnt_rounded, export_4_data$n_total_rounded, export_4_data$prop_rounded, percent = 1, digits = 2))

All of our export files passed the unit test meaning we’ve applied our redaction and rounding rules correctly. Depending on your output you may need to write a custom function and unit test to check your own export files.

15 Next steps: Applying this notebook to your project

This notebook may appear to be overwhelming, but majority of the code has been copied from previous notebooks to recreate the final tables and graphs. Focus your attention on the disclosure rules and procedures applied to each output, as well as the visual enhancements made to the base ggplot2 visualizations. They provide useful information and code techniques to apply to a variety of outputs. We recommend saving all output early so your team members can provide a fresh set of eyes on all the final files to ensure the all rules have been appropriately applied.

Additionally, we recommend revisiting this notebook as you begin disclosure proofing your final tables and graphs so you can ensure your exports are ready for your final presentation and report.

16 References

Edelmann, J., & Feder, B. (2023, December 19). Preparing Research Output generated from Arkansas Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Management Data System and Unemployment Insurance Wage Records for Disclosure Control. Zenodo.

AR 2024 Longitudinal Analysis Notebook, Corey Sparks, Benjamin Feder, Joshua Edelmann (Citation to come)

AR 2024 Measuring Workforce Outcomes Notebook, Corey Sparks and Benjamin Feder (Citation to come)